FS#7968 - AUR comments strip email in contributor tag
Attached to Project:
AUR web interface
Opened by Alex Heck (nesl247) - Thursday, 06 September 2007, 20:35 GMT
Last edited by Roman Kyrylych (Romashka) - Thursday, 04 October 2007, 17:16 GMT
Opened by Alex Heck (nesl247) - Thursday, 06 September 2007, 20:35 GMT
Last edited by Roman Kyrylych (Romashka) - Thursday, 04 October 2007, 17:16 GMT
When commenting in the aur with something like this:
# Contributor: username <email@tld.com> The <email@tld.com> gets striped. As can be seen here: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=12838 |
This task depends upon
First, comments that are submitted and stored in the DB must be parsed by mysql_real_escape_string(). Before we do that, let's convert all HTML tags to their respective entities, which is done by htmlentities($comment, ENT_QUOTES). This way, when the comment is retrieved from the database, all we do is convert \n to <br /> and it's ready to be parsed.
FS #5128 and FS #7383 also get resolved.
I have also set up a test site where you can test the comments.
This is of course, synced to the latest revision.