FS#7106 - lockup after X shutdown with xf86-video-intel 2.0.0
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Arch Linux
Opened by Björn Martensen (baze) - Wednesday, 09 May 2007, 19:41 GMT
Last edited by Alexander Baldeck (kth5) - Wednesday, 01 August 2007, 22:20 GMT
Opened by Björn Martensen (baze) - Wednesday, 09 May 2007, 19:41 GMT
Last edited by Alexander Baldeck (kth5) - Wednesday, 01 August 2007, 22:20 GMT
with the new xf86-video-intel 2.0.0 driver i sometimes get a
total lockup of my laptop when i shutdown. after X is
closed, i get strange red and white colored pixels the full
width of the screen but only for like 1 or 2cm at the top
and the laptop is completely frozen so i have to do a hard
this only happens sometimes, i haven't yet figured out what triggers it. if it doesn't lock the system, i get the same pixels but they just flash for <1sec and then everything continues as usual. this behaviour didn't appear with the older xf86-video-i810 driver _ever_ and when i switch back to that driver, it works fine again, so it must be a driver issue, not hardware related. my video card is an intel gma 950 in a thinkpad t60. |
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Closed by Alexander Baldeck (kth5)
Wednesday, 01 August 2007, 22:20 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't fix
Additional comments about closing: upstream problem, use i810 instead
Wednesday, 01 August 2007, 22:20 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't fix
Additional comments about closing: upstream problem, use i810 instead
My laptop (Apple MacBook Core2 Duo), has an Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM
and when I tried to close Xorg, (ctrl+alt+backspace) it shutdown my machine suddenly.
(Same strange red and white pixels).
I will look into providing your with packages to test out. Would love to fix that apple problem but lack the hardware.
Server = http://kth5.telekommunisten.net/xorg/
Please try it if you can and report.
after installing your new 2.0.0-3 package, i can't start up X anymore. what did you change in that package? after downgrading to -2 it works again.
compiz: No GLXFBConfig for default depth, this isn't going to work.
compiz: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz: No manageable screens found on display :0.0
this is with -5:
libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x68
compiz: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is not supported by direct rendering context, trying indirect rendering context instead
compiz doesn't work, metacity works fine with both
For example, I want to use a resolution of 1024x768 at 78HZ, so I use the command: gtf 1024 768 78
This gives you a modeline like this one (with your own values):
Modeline "1024x768_78.00" 86.18 1024 1088 1200 1376 768 769 772 803 -HSync +Vsync
Now, in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf add that modeline to your Monitor section, and also add the line (with your values):
Option "PreferredMode" "1024x768_78"
Then in your Device section, add the line (change value for your resolution's height:
Option "CacheLines" "768"
Finally, in your screen section make sure you edit your modes to match the new name of the resolution (in my case, I had to change "1024x768" to "1024x768_78").
These changes + using the new xorg-server-1.3 provided by Alexander Baldeck solved all my problems. I hope it helps here too.
btw, i found that when i switch to a tty from x right after logging in, i get those strange pixels at the top, but they go away and the system doesn't freeze. but after watching a video in totem, it always freezes, when i switch to a tty, suspend or shutdown/restart x. can anyone confirm this? might have something to do with the video backend used by totem, i don't know...