FS#6189 - wmii PKGBUILD typo, and path issue when installed. Fails to run.

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Oveek Mallik (veek) - Monday, 08 January 2007, 16:15 GMT
Last edited by Roman Kyrylych (Romashka) - Tuesday, 09 January 2007, 22:31 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Jeff Mickey (codemac)
Architecture not specified
Severity High
Priority Normal
Reported Version 0.7.2 Gimmick
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


Typo in PKGBUILD: The dependency libipx should be libixp.

After correcting that and installing the package there is another issue.

When attempting to start wmii by adding it to my .xinitrc I get the following error:

/usr/bin/wmii: line 10: /usr/bin/wmiiwm: No such file or directory

Apparently a path issue, maybe a problem in the /usr/bin/wmii script that sets up paths and calls the wmiiwm binary.

I chose severity as "High" based on how serious the problem is for this specific package.
Severity is probably not so high in the grand scheme of things.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Jeff Mickey (codemac)
Wednesday, 10 January 2007, 05:14 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  The config.mk file was missing the LD = ${CC} line.
Comment by Oveek Mallik (veek) - Monday, 08 January 2007, 18:48 GMT
I solved my problem.

There is one more issue with the PKGBUILD.

wmii apparently has an additional dependency: the package "dmenu."

I compiled and installed this from AUR and all is well.

Comment by eS.eF. (Dimorph) - Tuesday, 09 January 2007, 15:59 GMT
I have the same problem and the install of dmenu doesn't solve the problem
Comment by Oveek Mallik (veek) - Wednesday, 10 January 2007, 03:30 GMT
Yes I've tried the latest PKGBUILD and the one before that:
pkgver=3.5.1, pkgrel=1 and pkgrel=2.

Neither of these PKGBUILDs work for me, and I believe several other people
have problems with it.

There is a package build supplied by an user alcazoid,
that worked for me and some other people.

The relevant thread containing the discussion and PKGBUILD
is on the last few pages of this thread:


Here's a link to the page of the thread containing the working PKGBUILDs:

Comment by Oveek Mallik (veek) - Wednesday, 10 January 2007, 04:45 GMT
Okay I did some more investigating.

It seems that the problem is in the config.mk
that comes with the package build.

Here's the config.mk (courtesy of alcazoid) that works.
I tested this with the most recent PKGBUILD (pkgrel 2)
and it works for me.

PREFIX = /usr
X11INC = /usr/include/xorg
X11LIB = /usr/lib
VERSION = 3.5.1
LIBS = -L${PREFIX}/lib -L/usr/lib -lc -L${X11LIB} -lX11 -lixp -lm
CFLAGS = -O2 -I. -I${PREFIX}/include -I/usr/include -I${X11INC} \
LD = cc
AR = ar cr
CC = cc
RANLIB = ranlib
Comment by Jeff Mickey (codemac) - Wednesday, 10 January 2007, 05:13 GMT

I haven't screwed up on a package like this in a _while_.

I really apologize to the users of wmii, I really needed to test this package a bit more thoroughly. Like at all.

This was me just acting too quickly.

I'd also like to thank everyone who notified me about this. Normally my interaction with users has been that of demand and disrespect. EVERYONE I've talked to about these bugs has been polite, courteous, and even helpful with solutions.

The reason for the error in this package was that the "LD = ${CC}" line was missing. Don't know how, but it was. Fixed, and tested :)

Thanks for the heads up guys.
