FS#5154 - remove .a files from Courier-authlib package
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Arch Linux
Opened by Tobias Kieslich (tobias) - Thursday, 03 August 2006, 22:48 GMT
Opened by Tobias Kieslich (tobias) - Thursday, 03 August 2006, 22:48 GMT
(15:36:58) Xentac: from authlib install docs:
(15:36:59) Xentac: Post-installation cleanup On most systems, after running make install-configure all static libraries can be removed from the /usr/local/lib/courier-authlib directory: rm -rf /usr/local/lib/courier-authlib/*.a The Courier authentication library uses only the shared libraries. The static versions of the shared libraries are not used. They are installed by default, via libtool, but are not really needed. On most platforms the libtool files, "*.la" can also be removed. Do not remove any soft links. ------------------------------------- - check if other courier-* packages can also get rid of the static files |
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Closed by Tobias Kieslich (tobias)
Friday, 19 January 2007, 01:41 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: done throughout the family
Friday, 19 January 2007, 01:41 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: done throughout the family

removed .a files from courier-imap, no problems so far