FS#4490 - replace slocate with mlocate?
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Arch Linux
Opened by name withheld (Gullible Jones) - Friday, 21 April 2006, 13:55 GMT
Last edited by James Rayner (iphitus) - Monday, 05 November 2007, 12:42 GMT
Opened by name withheld (Gullible Jones) - Friday, 21 April 2006, 13:55 GMT
Last edited by James Rayner (iphitus) - Monday, 05 November 2007, 12:42 GMT
Mlocate is ridiculously faster than slocate, and I've yet to
find any nasty bugs in it... I think that it would be a good
idea to switch it and slocate around - mlocate as default in
Current, slocate in Extra.
This task depends upon
Closed by James Rayner (iphitus)
Monday, 05 November 2007, 12:42 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: And so that ends the midnight crawl...
Funny killing off a 'feature' that's been there since I started with linux.
Monday, 05 November 2007, 12:42 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: And so that ends the midnight crawl...
Funny killing off a 'feature' that's been there since I started with linux.
Shouldn't mlocate install to /var/lib/mlocate instead of /usr/var/mlocate?
./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var/lib/
as the configure line and then replacing all instances of /usr/var with /var/lib in both the PKGBUILD and the mlocate.install file is the only thing that would need to be done.
Please note the attached patch.
Then i reinstall slocate and now it says: updatedb: warning: Could not find the group: slocate in the /etc/group file.
updatedb: fatal error: This is a result of the group missing or a corrupted group file.
Ok, after some trickery I deleted the locate in /etc/group and the /etc/updatedb.conf* and reinstalled slocate and then at least slocate works.
Something is fishy.
# pacman -Sy mlocate
:: Synchronizing package databases...
testing is up to date
current is up to date
extra is up to date
unstable is up to date
community is up to date
resolving dependencies... done.
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: mlocate conflicts with slocate. Remove slocate? [Y/n] y
Remove: slocate
Targets: mlocate-0.16-2
Total Package Size: 0.10 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
checking package integrity... done.
warning: /etc/updatedb.conf saved as /etc/updatedb.conf.pacsave
cleaning up... done.
(1/1) checking for file conflicts [---------------------] 100%
(1/1) installing mlocate [---------------------] 100%
mlocate command is technically locate, but slocate is symlinked and still works.
You should run updatedb as root.
[root@sawernew borje4]# updatedb
updatedb: can not find group `mlocate'
[root@sawernew borje4]#
Sorry about the -2 mess up, i dont know how i stuffed that up... -3 works here though.
We have slocate in core and mlocate in extra, what else is the pertaining to this bug?
EDIT: Ah ignore me - the request is to swap the two around.
Hmmm - what's the technical difference here? Can someone provide pros/cons for me to evaluate besides "it's just way faster" ?
The first run of updatedb seems to take a bit longer with mlocate than slocate, but subsequent runs are *much* faster.
On a somewhat related note, why the hell do slocate and mlocate make two different groups with different names? Shouldn't they both use the 'locate' group that we should standardize on? Just my two cents.
mlocate is used by default in red hat, maybe others too?
Repository : core
$ pacman -Si mlocate
Repository : extra
So... status == "the same" || "not done yet"
Cerebral: You could always steal it back now if you really want the revenge^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpackage. :P