FS#3061 - Password Resetting
Attached to Project:
AUR web interface
Opened by dtw (dibblethewrecker) - Monday, 08 August 2005, 18:06 GMT
Last edited by Loui Chang (louipc) - Monday, 20 September 2010, 01:26 GMT
Opened by dtw (dibblethewrecker) - Monday, 08 August 2005, 18:06 GMT
Last edited by Loui Chang (louipc) - Monday, 20 September 2010, 01:26 GMT
Following kbrooks "bug report" about his lost password
should there be a mechanism for having your password emailed
to your registration email address?
This task depends upon
Closed by Loui Chang (louipc)
Monday, 20 September 2010, 01:26 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: 1.7.0
Monday, 20 September 2010, 01:26 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: 1.7.0
I'm not sure this is possible to implement anymore, since what's in the database is just a hash of the real password. What would be doable is a password reset of some kind, where the system just generates a random new one and emails it to the registered address.
What do you think of that? It's not too tricky...I've taken the task.
Something that just came to mind: having a simple reset button like that is sort of open to abuse. For instance, I type in "swiergot" under username and then hit reset. Sure, I'm not actually doing anything malicious, and have no access to the password, but I could keep doing it and be really annoying. Any thoughts on how to remedy this? Some solutions on other sites include things like secret questions. I find that solution bad, because I usually forget my exact answer anyway, so it's just as bad as forgetting your password in the first place.
1. User enters his login and birth date. It's hard to forget (unless he lied about that but then he is guilty). The date could be encrypted in the database just as passwords are so that users could be sure we will not use it.
2. The reset button doesn't reset password but just sends a link user can follow to change his password. To protect against spamming you mentioned we could allow using it only once a day.
Seems like we should try the manual solution for now, until we can be sure there's a problem large enough to be spending a lot of time fixing.
If you click on reset button, then, an email will come with some kind of link to the password reset
Where ID 046Dae38Ft482476f85320431867129120572856820, will be some id for the password reset request. It will be unique (and hard do guess).
If the person dont click on the link, the password will just remain the same. This can prevent abuse...
See the log message on the second patch for an summary of the method used to validate password reset requests.
Serious review is needed, as we're messing with people's passwords and this could possibly introduce a security vulnerability. :)
FS#17109at the same time.Please send patches to the mailing list in the future and then link to the thread instead.