FS#15291 - [qt] 4.5.2: can't copy text from a QT apps
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Arch Linux
Opened by lh (jarryson) - Sunday, 28 June 2009, 08:30 GMT
Last edited by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Wednesday, 12 August 2009, 13:39 GMT
Opened by lh (jarryson) - Sunday, 28 June 2009, 08:30 GMT
Last edited by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Wednesday, 12 August 2009, 13:39 GMT
i am not using KDE, but i am using some QT applications,
such as opera, arora.
after upgrade to qt 4.5.2, i found that i can not copy text from opera after a while. and i tired arora, and it had the same problem. then i downgrade QT to 4.5.1, and it won't happen. so i think maybe it's a bug of QT. Is there anyone else have this problem? PS: i am using xfce4.6 |
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it's happened after using opera for a bit while. you can copy text at first or second time, but can't copy anymore very soon.
Same problems appeared on Gentoo (64bit) with KDE 4.3(svn). After reverting to Qt 4.5.1, the bug was gone. However on my Arch (x86_64) with Qt 4.5.2 and KDE 4.3.rc1 it's OK
QClipboard::setData: Cannot set X11 selection owner for PRIMARY
It was confirmed, and a bug of QT 4.5.2
Pierre, could you fix this?
open a qt program and a xim input, for example, konsole and fcitx.
try to input a chinese character, for example, zhong(中)
don't select it, then go to another program, for example, firefox.
then, you cant copy/paste in this konsole.
but it will work again for a new konsole.
Should i grab my desktop to you?