FS#14536 - [xfce4] depends on dbus
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Arch Linux
Opened by David Auinger (David1989) - Friday, 01 May 2009, 14:59 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Sunday, 17 January 2010, 22:25 GMT
Opened by David Auinger (David1989) - Friday, 01 May 2009, 14:59 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Sunday, 17 January 2010, 22:25 GMT
If dbus is not installed, some base tasks of xfce4 cannot be loaded (xfwm4, xfdesktop, xfsettingsd). Steps to reproduce: Some tasks needed for xfce4 are not loaded when package dbus is not installed. Steps to reproduce: Remove dbus (if installed): pacman -R dbus Install xfce4: pacman -Sy xfce4 Start xfce4 from console: startxfce4 |
This task depends upon

I can confirm this; doing a fresh install, dbus does not get
pulled in, and xfconfd will complain and not load xfce properly.
After installing "dbus" (on top of dbus-core), it works properly.
This seems to have come up since dbus was dropped as a dependency
for hal.

- Task reassigned to Andreas Radke (AndyRTR)
confirmed here. Just recent doing a clean archiso installation.

*poke* - hit this yet again. I'm not sure which xfce component
should have the dbus dep directly (perhaps xfconf?), but it
definitely needs to be added somewhere. Any chance to get this
included? It hits any user trying to install xfce from scratch,
since newer versions of hal will not bring in dbus (only
dbus-core, which is not sufficient here) as before.

according to this I will add dbus to xfconf pkg:

Sounds perfect ! Thanks.