FS#13734 - Man db missing sections
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Arch Linux
Opened by Lukas Jirkovsky (6xx) - Tuesday, 10 March 2009, 18:27 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Wednesday, 08 April 2009, 21:38 GMT
Opened by Lukas Jirkovsky (6xx) - Tuesday, 10 March 2009, 18:27 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Wednesday, 08 April 2009, 21:38 GMT
man-db miss some sections in its config. In my install there
are additionally sections 0p 1p 3p 3x
This task depends upon
Closed by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR)
Wednesday, 08 April 2009, 21:38 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: new man-db and man-pages packages in testing for signoff.
Wednesday, 08 April 2009, 21:38 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: new man-db and man-pages packages in testing for signoff.
Is something actually breaking for you here? If so, what?
$ man 3p abs # Ok, abs(3p) is displayed
$ man -a abs # only abs(3) is displayed
"_toupper" is present only in 3p.
$ man _toupper
No manual entry for _toupper
default man_db.conf
SECTION 1 n l 8 3 2 5 4 9 6 7
Section 0p is not something I've encountered before. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manual_page_(Unix) says that it's for C library header files. I think it probably makes sense to add section 0 immediately after 3, and have done so upstream.
0p, 1p, and 3p pages are included in the man-pages package and come from kernel.org:
for new man-db 2.5.5 package I've added man-db rev. 1051 change to support man0 section. user will have to apply the change from the man_db.conf.pacnew file.