FS#12944 - Pacman mirrorlist installer edits
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Release Engineering
Opened by Greg (dolby) - Saturday, 24 January 2009, 21:11 GMT
Last edited by Dieter Plaetinck (Dieter_be) - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 19:02 GMT
Opened by Greg (dolby) - Saturday, 24 January 2009, 21:11 GMT
Last edited by Dieter Plaetinck (Dieter_be) - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 19:02 GMT
The installer adds an entry on top of pacman mirrrorlist
containing the mirror used for installation.
BUT the entry is the following: eg. Server = ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/core/os/i686 If you leave the mirrorlist file without altering it during configuration of /etc files in the ISO, when you boot to your newly installed system, you always get an error message about not being able to retieve db, or packages in extra or other than core repos from the mirror you used during installation as this is entry is on top of the file. I wonder if the entry used by the installer could change to eg. Server = ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/$repo/os/i686 |
This task depends upon
Closed by Dieter Plaetinck (Dieter_be)
Saturday, 31 January 2009, 19:02 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Saturday, 31 January 2009, 19:02 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
so not only you get many 1 error message for each failed download from the used in installation mirror, but more load on the archlinux.org ftp :P
That means the installer is probably the broken thing and needs fixing?
I find it odd that only one person reported problems with this though ...
That resulted in many commented out entries and only 1 active, the mirror you used during installation on bottom.
The current one, adds the mirror you used in installation entry eg. Server = ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/core/os/i686 and not $repo on top
and has all other entries active, not commented. That why you get the above described behaviour.
Just for the record this is all with this iso: http://users.archlinux.de/~gerbra/iso/test-usb/archlinux-2009.01-1-ftp-i686.img
Also the default proposed mirror at the DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the full URL to core repo." question, uses core instead of $repo.
Can any archlinux-installer maintainer fix this?
I'm not sure i'll have time to fix aif in time for the release, but aif is alpha anyway..
See http://projects.archlinux.org/?p=installer.git;a=blob_plain;f=setup;hb=HEAD
" # Form the full URL for our mirror by grepping for the server name in
# our mirrorlist and pulling the full URL out. Substitute 'core' in
# for the repository name, and ensure that if it was listed twice we
# only return one line for the mirror.
SYNC_URL=$(egrep -o "${_server}.*" "${MIRRORLIST}" | sed 's/\$repo/core/g' | head -n1)"
And a while later:
" # /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# add installer-selected mirror to the top of the mirrorlist
if [ "$MODE" = "ftp" -a "${SYNC_URL}" != "" ]; then
awk "BEGIN { printf(\"# Mirror used during installation\nServer = "${SYNC_URL}"\n\n\") } 1 " "${DESTDIR}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" > /tmp/inst-mirrorlist
mv /tmp/inst-mirrorlist "${DESTDIR}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
At this point we probably should use ${SYNC_URL/core/\$repo} instead of $SYNC_URL ?
Maybe the change was done because users are expected to edit this file. After all it wasnt part of the files youre supposed to edit during the installation before (IIRC).
But IMO, a) there shouldnt be an entry using explicit repo names in the file in the first place, but always use $repo
b) With the latest changes to get a decent mirrorlist you are expected to comment out many repository lines, or move the mirror you want to use manually on top.
I also modified the step where you specify a custom mirror so that it uses CARCH from /etc/makepkg.conf instead of hardcoding i686 in it (which is incorrect on x86_64 Live CDs).
Would be nice if it was set to "set nobackup" by default.
That creates backup files in a clean installation if you use vi to edit the files during installation.
Vi would have to be rebuilt adding nobackup to the default config.
b) I don't have a big problem with the backup files. At the very least, your system still has a pristine copy of the original.