FS#12558 - alsa package should conflict with libflashsupport
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Arch Linux
Opened by Robert (Bysshe) - Wednesday, 24 December 2008, 04:54 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Tuesday, 14 April 2009, 21:51 GMT
Opened by Robert (Bysshe) - Wednesday, 24 December 2008, 04:54 GMT
Last edited by Andrea Scarpino (BaSh) - Tuesday, 14 April 2009, 21:51 GMT
Description: A person who wishes to try the new oss v.4 and
then switches back to alsa may very likely have installed
libflashsupport to have sound in flash animations under
oss4. The problem is that an extremely loud noise now
happens randomly on initializing sound in flash animations
as a result of installing alsa and libflashsupport not being
recognised as a conflicting file. It would be an oversight
on the user, but the severe repercussions of the oversight I
strongly feel warrants a bug report.
Additional info: * package version(s) * config and/or log files etc. Steps to reproduce: install oss, flashplugin, libflashsupport, then uninstall oss and install alsa. Now play a flash animation that uses audio, like on a game demo site while wearing headphones. Ouch! |
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